A 2-door access control unit for managing up to 200 doors.
EntroWatch is a management software package for use with EntroStar and EntroNet controllers and provides a live tile dashboard and comprehensive single screen user interface. The software includes auto-discovery and display of BACnet devices and CCTV cameras with live view and monitoring. Discovered cameras can be selected for display in sequence on the EntroWatch dashboard and can be included in graphics. Snapshot capture of any camera is also featured.
Global lockdown provides a single click action to lock down all doors in the event of an emergency. The lockdown icon appears at the top of every screen in EntroWatch. Specified doors can be excluded from the automatic lockdown. Actions can be configured to operate automatically (e.g. fire alarm), via a schedule (e.g. disable alarms during office hours) or via operator instruction (e.g. turn on all the floodlights). All actions are configured in the EntroWatch host and downloaded to the panels for autonomous operation. Peer to peer operation is also supported.
EntroWatch supports attendance reporting with a number of standard reports available for printing and export including Daily Attendance, "First In / Last Out", Absence and Dormancy and supervisor enabled working time adjustment to facilitate more accurate reporting. Other features include: global anti-passback, interlock facility, fire door support, custom badge designer, passback and PIN immunity, custom card format editor and Biometric reader support.
A Certified Secure 'CS' version is available as part of the prismabytes CPNI portfolio.
For Premium Edition features please see the EntroWatch software comparison table
A 2-door access control unit for managing up to 200 doors.
An 8-door access control unit for managing up to 800 doors.
EntroPad can function as a smart 13.56MHz card reader for MIFARE, PicoPass
IEVO Biometric readers for fingerprint authentication and use with Entro series access control.